
Choroideremia (CHM) ~ A cause close to my heart.

Imagine seeing life through a straw until your peripheral vision erodes and soon that small tunnel of vision will close into blackness.

That’s what people effected by Choroideremia (CHM) face. Some, have never seen stars, driven a car and their love for reading is fading with their sight.

There is hope! The Choroideremia Research Foundation Inc. is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds to find a treatment or cure for this degenerative disease.

Another fun way to get involved:

The pie in the eye challange!
Hastags: #curechm  #pieintheeye #takeitintheface
Twitter: @curechm
Facebook: CureCHM
The Cure CHM Pie in the Eye Challenge is a fun way to raise awareness and much needed funds to help us stop blindness. Choroideremia  (CHM) is a rare inherited Retinal Disease that causes progressive vision loss, ultimately leading to complete blindness. The disease starts at birth and many children began to struggle with their vision at a young age. Some will never drive a car, have never seen a star on a cloudless night...  Through the efforts of the Choroideremia Research Foundation and leading researchers from around the World, we are close to a CURE!  However, funds are needed to continue the research and testing. With your help we could soon have a cure for blindness!
With the research gained from CHM, a cure is expected to help pave the way for treatments in many other blinding diseases like Macular Degeneration and Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), which impact millions of people around the World.

To take part in the CHM #pieintheeye Challenge, keep it simple and have fun! You can buy a cream pie or grab a pie plate and some whipped cream and take it in the face ( #takeitintheface ) for the CRF. Challenge 5 friends, celebrities, or groups you'd like to see take it in the face.  Make sure you let them know how to make a donation at for the #pieintheeye challenge or  They can take the challenge or make a donation, or do both!

 Video your challenge and use hashtags  #curechm #pieintheeye, and #takeitintheface for extra fun! We'll post your pictures and videos as they come in!

Take the Challenge today . . . and save someone’s eyesight. It’s the difference between light and dark.

Please, help us reach our goal by sharing this page on Facebook and Twitter!

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