Sunday, July 27, 2014

#JulyFever – Day 27 on the Gemini Girls

I'm up on the Gemini Girls this morning with authors Sofia Grey and Allyson Lindt!! Stop by for your chance to win some lovely books from an array of amazing authors.

And... there's an excerpt from Covet the Moon!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Power of the Moon series announcement

Wow, it seems like it’s taken forever to have Covet the Moon ready to go and I’d like to thank my faithful readers from the bottom of my heart for their patience. September 8th, 2014, is the official release date for Covet the Moon! I’m filled with nervous excitement and humbled by the messages I’ve received for Mia and Cole.

Covet the Moon is a little darker and a lot bloodier. In celebration of Covet’s release, Power of the Moon is getting a makeover! I’m head over heels for the new look and can’t wait to share Covet’s cover with you too!

I have new grab badges! It took me forever to get the code working so I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Author Tina Carreiro
Author Tina Carreiro

They are many more things to come. If you’re in the Palm Beach County area, I’ll be appearing at Palmcon in September. Not only will I be there, but also Mia’s Sector 13 agent car will be displayed on the convention floor. And if there’s one thing cooler than a 1969 Cadillac hearse, it’s one that’s utilized as a tool for fighting crime against paranormal creatures.

Stay tuned for more...

Special thanks to my street team for all their support!